Today we celebrated the second year of our Giving Tree initiative. This program has quickly become a shining example of the generosity and compassion of the Urangan community. A massive thank you & well-done must also go the senior health class for organising this every year as part of their health promotion and an action strategy for making change.
This year, we are honoured to acknowledge and thank our incredible community partners who are our worthy recipients of the initiative: We Care 2, the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre, Good Hope Men's Shelter, Door 42, and Centacare. Their unwavering dedication to supporting those in need inspires us all. Together, we are creating a brighter and more hopeful future for some of the most vulnerable in our community.
Homelessness is a reality that too many people in Hervey Bay face, and it's especially heartbreaking to think about during the Christmas season. As we gather in the warmth of our homes with loved ones, we are reminded that not everyone shares that comfort. For some, Christmas can highlight hardship and isolation. But through this Giving Tree, we can offer more than gifts—we can offer hope, connection, and care.
We are thrilled to share that our community has once again gone above and beyond this year. Together, we have collected 85 books, 236 female hygiene products, 285 food items, 189 toys, 54 male hygiene products, 410 school supplies, 57 family hygiene products, and 23 miscellaneous gifts. These generous donations are more than just numbers—they represent countless moments of joy and relief for the individuals and families who will receive them.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this year's Giving Tree. Your generosity is a powerful reminder that while we may not solve homelessness overnight, we can take meaningful steps to ease the burden for those who need it most.
Let us continue to support our community partners and their vital work—not just during the holiday season, but throughout the year. Together, we are stronger, and together, we can make a difference.