General information safety
The school is a registered work site, which means industrial legislation applies to many aspects of the school, such as the following:
Open footwear (thongs/sandals) is not permitted to be worn at any time.
Extra protection is required in some classrooms e.g. science, manual arts, art, and home economics. Departmental and industrial safety regulations require students not complying, be excluded from these lessons.
Any potentially dangerous material / objects are not permitted to be brought onto school campuses e.g. knives, matches, lighters, cigarettes, aerosol cans or drugs.
Dress code
Students are required to wear the P&C endorsed school uniform correctly.
All approved USHS uniforms are only available at the P&C Uniform Shop, which is located across from Student Services. See the Uniform Shop Page for more information.
Please see the Student Handbook link to the right for further details.
- Students are expected to come to school with a clean and tidy appearance:
- Hair is to be washed, combed/brushed.
- Clothes are to be clean.
- Hair colour it is to be natural tones i.e. not multi-coloured, not unnatural hair colours (i.e. pink, blue, green, purple etc.).
- Hair styles are to be neat and tidy e.g. no shaved styles, no mohawks, no words shaved into the scalp, etc.
- Make-up is not to be worn.
- Clear nail polish is permitted.
- Jewellery is permitted to be worn only if it complies with the following requirements:
- Small sleepers (no bigger than a five cent piece) or small studs (non protruding items only).
- One small pendant no bigger than a 20 cent piece on a thin chain (due to workplace health and safety requirements this should be worn inside students collar/school shirt and may have to be removed to enable participation in certain activities).
- A signet ring.
- Medical alert bracelets and necklaces.
- Other piercings that are not ordinarily covered by the school uniform (i.e. facial piercings) must be covered by tape/band-aid or removed during the school day.