Urangan State High School is happy to have international students studying at our campus. We have fee paying international students, exchange students from other countries as well as students from overseas who have come to live in Australia. Our students come from many nations including China, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Germany, France, Austria, the USA, and the United Kingdom.
Our international program is quality assured by Education Queensland International and we are a registered government provider of education. Our CRICOS number is 00608A.
Our international students can study years 7 through to 12 and graduate with a recognised Queensland Certificate of Education and VET Certification. They can also attend as part of a study abroad program for between three months and two years. The costs for these programs can be found here.
The teaching staff at Urangan State High School are very experienced, skilled and professional. Cultural diversity is
valued at Urangan with many of our teachers and support staff coming from
China, Taiwan, England, Scotland, India, The Phillipines, South Africa and many
more with family ties to European countries. We have 4 qualified EAL/D teachers
on staff and we offer two “International Support” classes per week. Enrolment for
Urangan State High School can be completed through Education Queensland
International using this link.
Urangan State High School Enrolment Video
EQI Fraser Coast Video
Urangan State High School Facebook Page
2020 Urangan State High School International Brochure
For information on how to enrol at Urangan State High School, please contact the Head of Department in charge of International students by either email or telephone provided below.
The international student handbook is a useful resource for students to understand our school and community.
If the parent, guardian or student has a complaint or appeal please read the complaints procedures by clicking on the links to the right.
International students must read the travel procedures document and complete the form (available from the links to the right) before the commencement of their homestay and return it to the international student coordinator at Urangan State High School.
Contact details
For all International Study enquiries
email: InternationalStudiesProgramUSHS@uranganshs.eq.edu.au
A staff member from the International team will get back to you.