When supporting students with Positive Behaviour and Respectful Actions, teachers utilise Zones of Behaviour (ZOB) strategies to explicitly teach and re-teach universally expected behaviours/actions in the classroom. The intention of this strategy is to support students in recognising and understanding how their choice of behaviour impacts the learning environment at school.
To clearly outline expectations of universal behaviours/actions, this strategy breaks down into categories that are colour coded and clearly describe for students the expected behaviour and impact of their actions.
These categories are defined as follows:
GREEN ZONE: Student displays behaviours that support a positive working and learning environment in the classroom such as; hands up, quiet voices, appropriate language, using manners, showing respect by remaining silent when the teacher or other students are speaking. All students are expected to be displaying these universal behaviours (refer to Universal Behaviour posters link).
BLUE ZONE: Student displays behaviours
that disrupt the learning environment such as; moving around classroom without
purpose, taking others belongings, loud voice, yelling, screaming, noises such
as peristent tapping and whistling, using disrespectful lanuage. Students will be asked to STOP the behaviour
THINK about the impact of this behaviour on the learning environment and CHOOSE
to return to GREEN ZONE behaviour.
YELLOW ZONE: Student continues the Blue Zone behaviours, ignoring teacher instructions. Warning of a consequence will be issued and student will be given a further chance to STOP THINK and CHOOSE. In most cases where possible, Buddy Class will be utilised as the consequence.

GREY ZONE: Student continues their Blue/Yellow Zone Behaviours; they will now be sent to a Buddy Class.
Follow up actions:
- Limited with specific time to return to normal class.
- Restorative conversation between teacher and student before re-entering the class.
- One-School Behaviour incident recorded.
- Parent/Guardian contacted.

If at any point a student's behaviour is unsafe for themselves or others, or behaviour prevents the teaching and learning from continuing, Year Level Teams will support students directly with further strategies to re-teach expected universal behaviours/actions and facilitate a “Return to Green" zone behaviour.