Logins and emails
Every state school student and all staff members of Education Queensland have a network login account and official email account.
The login is made up of the user's first initial and the first 4 letters of their family name plus a random number.
Thus, if Clark Kent teaches at Urangan State High School, his login might be ckent31. Similarly, if Justin Bieber were to attend our school, his login might be jbieb14.
The login name and password for each user is the same for all school and EQ network services. Thus, a student would use the same login and password to log in to a computer at school as they would use to login to the internet at school, log in to their email at school or at home, or also to log into OneSchool or QLearn.
All students should know their login as most students will use it several times a week in class. If your student has forgotten their login, you may contact the school office to find it out. Students who forget their login or password can check it out with their teachers or any staff member at the school and also can have their password reset by their teacher.
Each student has an official school email account. The email account of any user is their login + eq.edu.au
For example. the teacher's email would be ckent31@eq.edu.au and the student's jbieb14@eq.edu.au
Students can access their school email accounts at home and at school via Education Queensland's online webmail service.
Under Education Queensland guidelines, a teacher may only communicate with a student or parent via their official email account.
This school prefers that students also use their school email account to communicate with teachers about school work where necessary.
Parents should use only the email account that they have registered with the school in their contact details. It is in the best interests of all students if parents and guardians keep these details, especially phone numbers and email addresses, up to date at all times.
The school will contact all students via email from time to time about major events that are occurring at school such as the release of the School assessment calendar, or more regularly to announce events such as the fortnightly availability of school newsletters on this website.
Parents and guardians should ask students to make them aware when these important emails arrive.