
Rules and policies


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​General information safety

The school is a registered work site, which means industrial legislation applies to many aspects of the school.

  • Open footwear (thongs/sandals) is not permitted to be worn at any time.

  • Extra protection is required in some classrooms e.g. Urangan tech, science, manual arts, art, and home economics. Departmental and Industrial safety regulations require students not complying, be excluded from these lessons.

  • Any potentially dangerous material/objects are not permitted to be brought onto school campuses e.g. knives, matches, lighters, cigarettes, aerosol cans or drugs.

Possessions, money and valuables

Parents are asked to ensure only essential items for their child's studies are brought to school. Students are also encouraged to clearly name all their possessions. Valuables and large amounts of money should not be left in school backpacks. These can be left in the office for safekeeping. ​

From the beginning of Term 1 2024, all Queensland state school students must keep their mobile phones switched off and 'away for the day' during school hours (except for those with Principal approved and recorded exemptions). Notifications on wearable devices, such as smartwatches, must be switched off so that phone calls, messages and other notifications cannot be sent or received during school hours.  If students do bring electronic equipment to school, their use is forbidden during the school day. Appropriate action through the school's responsible behaviour plan will be taken against students who use these devices.  The use of technology to photograph or film other individuals, harassing or threatening messages will be actioned based on the Student Code of Conduct. The school will not be held responsible for the loss or damage to electronic equipment brought to the school by students and will not interrupt educational time to launch enquiries.

The school strongly encourages students not to bring such items to school. Students found with such items being used during class time will have them locked in a pouch or locked until 3:00pm.

Uniform dress code

Students are required to wear the P&C endorsed school uniform correctly.

See the School Dress Code​ (link on the right).

Bikes, scooters and skateboards

Bikes, scooters and skateboards are to be locked in the secure bike compound, located at the back of the school, via Urangan Street. Remember to provide a lock.


Essential medicines or tablets (correctly labelled) will be stored in student services until required by students. Only prescription medications will be administered by staff. These must be accompanied by a letter signed by a parent/guardian and instructions from a doctor.


If you require an interview for any reason, we ask that you make an appointment through the school office or student services. Early consultation is recommended as delay may affect your interest and achievement.

Excursions and trips

Prior to all excursions and trips, payment must be made in full. Parent/guardian consent must be obtained via a permission form which outlines the cost, itinerary, purpose, and dress requirements. In addition we ask that parents complete the medical consent form which accompanies the permission form.

Identity document cards

All students who attend photo day will receive a free ID card. These are useful for obtaining student concessions. If a replacement ID card is required, these can be obtained from the office for a nominal fee.

What to do when:

You are absent from school

Attendance at school is compulsory by law if you are under 16 years old. From 16–17 years old, students must be in attendance in senior school, post-secondary education or training or employment. If you are sick or unable to attend school, please phone the school's absence line (07) 4197 0166. Alternatively, a note of explanation signed by your parent/guardian can be presented to the office or form teacher when you return to school.

You are late to school

All students must attend form class at 8.45am. If you arrive after form class, you must report to student services on arrival. A signed note from your parent/guardian, or telephone call from home must be provided to explain the reason for lateness. Office staff will issue you with a late pass which you give to the teacher of your scheduled class.

You have to leave during the day

Leave will only be granted for early departure for: medical/dental appointments or specialised instruction. A signed note from your parent/guardian must be provided to explain your reason for early departure. Take this note to student services before school to obtain your early departure pass. Show this pass to your class teacher at the approved time for departure. No lunch passes can be issued as per the guidelines in the education act.

You feel sick

In class, ask your teacher for a note and report to student services. During lunch breaks, go to student services. If you go to sick bay your parents will be contacted. Do not contact your parents directly. Exit from the school must be via the office.

You need to be excused from health and physical excercise or sport activities

In case of an injury or medical condition, a note is required from your parent/guardian. Please give this to your teacher, preferably before school.

You lose or find property

Report your loss to student services. Take lost property to student services.

You intend to leave this school

Collect an exiting school form from the office and follow the instructions. Remember to return all textbooks/keys, etc. If you are transferring to another state school in Queensland, please ask for a transfer note at the office. You must have a letter from your parent advising that you are leaving or have your parent contact the school.

You are absent for an exam

Please refer to the assessment policy (PDF, 418 KB).

You have a family crisis/emergency or an ongoing condition which affects your work

You may be eligible for special consideration. This can only be granted by the principal. Applications for special consideration forms are available from the office. It is advised that you seek an appointment with the guidance officer as well. Provide supporting documentation where possible.

You change address / telephone number / emergency contact details

Please obtain a change of address form from the office or download and complete the change of contact form (PDF, 431KB). It is important that we have accurate details, as they are essential in an emergency.

You have a serious concern or issue

As soon as possible please see your teacher, student year level coordinator, house manager/head of department or relevant head of year/deputy principal.

Last reviewed 14 March 2025
Last updated 14 March 2025