Strategic intent
Developing individual and collective excellence; for an inclusive, dynamic, and cohesive community.
Annual Implementation Plan
In 2025, our strategic work is centred around the pursuit of our school’s just cause (empowering a community of curious learners, creative thinkers, and connected humans) through a precise focus on two priorities: Pedagogy (or, the learning) and Case Management (or, the learner). This work continues our focus on supporting all students to learn, working together with our community to support curiosity, creativity, and connectedness. Learn more about the work underpinning our two priorities in our Annual Implementation Plan
Explicit Improvement Agenda
From our AIP, we draw our
Explicit Improvement Agenda (EIA). This document captures the highest priority actions and targets within our AIP, and outlines the why, how, and anticipated impact of our two priorities - Working together (Priority 1) and To learn (Priority 2). In doing so, we outline how we are
Working together to learn, as we develop individual and collective excellence; for an inclusive, dynamic, and cohesive community.