What is a Transition Pathways Officer?
Transition Pathways Officers (TPO) work across a cluster of State High Schools to provide a broad range of services and supports to students at risk of disengaging or have disengaged from school.
Our Transition Pathways Officer is based at Urangan State High School and support schools within the north coast region (Urangan State High, Hervey Bay State High, Aldridge State High, Maryborough State High)
Transition Pathways Officers have a unique skillset combining an understanding of departmental policies with experience in supporting young people, their families and schools. They possess a thorough knowledge of services available through the department of education and their local community to assist students transitioning into a suitable post-school education, training or employment pathway.
Working with a Transition Pathways Officer provides a level of support that a young person who presents as at-risk of disengaging from school needs at this critical time. A suitable pathway will be determined based on the student’s particular requirements, and could result in a return to traditional education or another appropriate post-school education, training or employment pathway.
The TPOs daily management and supervision is overseen by the Principal Advisor Education Services – Engagement. School Principals and/or designated “Lead Referrers” within their cluster may liaise with TPOs to identify students requiring TPO support based on a case management system.
How can a Transition Pathways Officer help a young person?
Manage partnerships and work holistically alongside schools, community organisations and businesses to address the needs of at risk young people and maximise education and transition opportunities
Develop a personalised Education, Training or Employment plan with young people
Follow-up with young people to monitor continued engagement in their chosen pathway
Assist young people to navigate the system and consider a range of post-school study, training and work options in line with their individual goals, aspirations, skills and strengths. Some options that young people may consider are:
finding employment
apprenticeships and traineeships
Skilling Queenslanders for Work programs
alternative entry to university
federal incentives such as Job Trainer
organising work experience
How do I contact the Transition Pathways Officer?

Bev Dangerfield
Mobile: 0478 260 382
Email: bdang9@eq.edu.au