Applications for UniSC Early Offer Guarantee are now open!
Early Offer Guarantee gives you the chance to receive an offer to study at UniSC as early as August, long before ATARs & final results are released so you can head into your final school exams knowing you’re sorted for 2024.

The offer is made based on your school Principal's recommendation and is independent of your Year 12 results. Your Principal will consider your academic performance, as well as your motivation, talents, passions, and abilities to see if these are a match for success at university. If your Principal recommends you for the Early Offer Guarantee, then as long as you have met the prerequisites and other program-specific requirements for your chosen degree, you’ll receive an early offer to study an eligible program at UniSC.
All offers made before the last day of school will be conditional on you completing Year 12, so make sure you keep going to school and do your best in your exams.
To be considered for the Early Offer Guarantee, applicants must be current Year 12 students attending a school that has opted-in to participate in the initiative.
Key Dates
1 August 2023 – Applications open
9 October 2023 – Deadline for students to submit application to their school
13 October 2023 – Deadline for UniSC to receive school’s approved applications. Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the student’s most recent progress report or report card. Applications can be submitted via email and must be received by UniSC by this date. Late applications will not be accepted.
Offer dates: 18 August, 25 August, 8 September, 22 September, 13 October, 20 October, 17 November.
To learn more or to apply for Early Offer Guarantee, click here!