Did you know; across our more than 236 staff, we have a combined service to Urangan of over 1778 years? Our teaching, support, and administration staff teams are committed to our community, and demonstrate this commitment every day by working tirelessly with students and our community to build strong pathways for students.
As a tradition at Urangan SHS, we celebrate the contribution of all staff on a special Staff Appreciation Day. This year, our wonderful P&C showed their appreciation for the work of our staff by creating some platters of home-made goodies and nibbles which were delivered to staffrooms this morning. Thank you to our P&C!

An enhancement to this tradition was launched today, with staff service pins being awarded to those staff who make the decision to remain committed to the Urangan community for considerable lengths of time - bronze for five years' service, silver for ten, and gold for twenty years' service. As the inaugural presentation of these awards, we recognised over 64 staff with bronze pins, 54 with silver, and 13 with gold.
Amongst our gold pin recipients, are staff such as Jenny Bong (25 years), Paul Brindley (27 years), Brian Harrington (28 years), David Johnson (26 years), Aileen Price (30 years), Joanne Rasby (29 years), and Liza Young (25 years) - staff who have dedicated more than quarter of a century to Urangan SHS and the Urangan community, and continue to do so every day.

Thank you to all of our staff for your efforts each and every day; working together to learn.