This morning, we held our annual ANZAC Day service with our Year 12 cohort in attendance & the rest of the school watching via live stream from their classrooms.
Our own Mr Joseph Dilegge, Headquarters 11 Brigade, delivered a wonderful guest address & laid the wreath while our incredibly talented Strings Ensemble, led by Ms Claudia Zorbas, performed 'Morning Sun'.
Alyssa (Year 12) read as excerpt from her speech 'What Does ANZAC Day Mean to Me" that won her the Hervey Bay RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Youth Competition in 2023 & Mr McCormack shared a piece prepared by Ms Michelle Pipe from the 2024 Premier's Anzac Prize Tour. Ms Pipe's letter is as follows:

Well done to our Senior School Captains in their role as MC & to the Junior School Captains for performing the reading. Special thanks to Maya & Jemma (Year 11) for delivering the Acknowledgment of Country & to our student Cadets for the part they played in today's ceremony.
A reminder that this Thursday, April 25th, is ANZAC Day and school will be closed. We encourage all students, staff & USHS community members to attend the Dawn Service that will take place at Freedom Park at 5:30am and the Main March, for which we will assemble at the RSL Club car park at 8:45am for a 9:15am march and a 9:45am service at Freedom Park to follow.