A brief snapshot of Urangan State High School's thirtieth Awards Night, where we celebrate the outstanding results of our students in their Academic, Sporting, Cultural and Community involvement.
Tuesday the 18th of October, we see the fulfilment of our vision “Pursuit of Excellence… Every Minute, Every Day". The high standards you see tonight are the culmination of the continued commitment by the students, their families and the staff to be the best they can be.
Congratulations to all award recipients.
Special Education Award: Jemma McBean and Saxon O'Connor
Junior School – For students who continually display an excellent level of behaviour and effort in all aspects of their schooling within the SEP.
Deb Cresswell Special Education Award: Jack Rogers and Shakira Thompson
Students who have demonstrated outstanding levels of effort and participation in all aspects of their schooling.
Aunty Marie Wilkinson Indigenous Student Encouragement Award: Zarielle Brady & Ziennah Brady
Junior and Senior School - For an Indigenous student, who has actively participated in a range of school activities, demonstrated a strong willingness to support their student peers and displayed behaviours that clearly promote themselves as a positive role model.
Indigenous Student of the Year Award (Sponsored by Wide Bay Women's Health)
Junior: Patricia Williams, Evie Bird & Allira Shingles
Senior: Alexie Rhodes
Junior and Senior School - For an Indigenous student who has demonstrated academic excellence, exemplary standards of participation in school programs and made a strong contribution to the enrichment of their own culture in the school and local community.
Rotary Club of Hervey Bay Sunrise Award: Jasmine Mitchell & Ethan Platt
For students who have given significant service to the school community.
Rotary Club of Hervey Bay for Outstanding Service to the School: Jessica Belcher
Awarded to a student who has put the needs of the school before self and has been committed to promoting Urangan State High School.
The Gary Ryan Award: Celeste Fox
For a junior student who is most improved in Maths.
The Steve Little Award: Matildah Board
For a junior student who is most improved in Science.
The Wallace Award: Koby Grech
A graduating student who has achieved outstanding results within the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Career Pathway Student of the Year: Chelsea Drier
For a student who has displayed outstanding qualities during their industry training.
Central Queensland University (CQU) Associate Vice President Award: Emma Keyworth & Alnet Vinni
This award is given to a student who has exceptionally high confirmed marks and is going onto tertiary study in the future.
Erica Brindley Music Award: Rachel Van Herk
Awarded to a student for meritorious involvement in Instrumental Music.
Greg Stout Cultural Award (Sponsored by Wide Bay Transit): Jessica Belcher
For a student who has excelled in Cultural pursuits
The Inner Wheel Club of Hervey Bay Award in Memory of Lorraine Cameron a past club member: Jessica Belcher
This award goes to a student from any year level who has excelled in the Creative and Performing Arts at Urangan State High School.
ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards: Alyssa Lewis & Olivia Carmichael
This award recognises students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader community and who display strong values, such as doing their best, respect for others and mateship, which are integral to Australian society. Two students will be recipients of this award from the Australian Defence Forces – one from Year 10 and one from Year 12.
ADF Future Innovators Awards: Georgia Weir & Ryan Wheatley
This award recognises students who demonstrate innovation in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Two students will be recipients of this award from the Australian Defence Forces – one from Year 10 and one from Year 12.
Principal's Special Endeavour Awards Year 12:
Emily Guteridge, Erin Guy, Olivia Hon Fay, Toby Jackson-Makim, April Johnson, Jacob Killer, Eva Leak, Amelia Lindenberg, Luke Mogor, Andie Staples, Olivia Whittle & Ava Wyatt
These awards are given to students who display outstanding application in their chosen areas over the year and who have contributed significantly to the positive tone of Urangan High.
Robert J. Wilson Award for Outstanding Citizenship: Adrien Ferrett
For a student who has been an excellent role model by displaying a willingness to be involved and assist others.
Ampol Best All Rounder Award (Sponsored by AMPOL and Urangan SHS P&C): Jack Wheatley
Ampol Australia provides this award in recognition of a student who achieves scholastically across a range of subjects, whose attitude demonstrates a willingness to help others and make selfless contributions and whose personal conduct is exemplary at all times. This student also demonstrates leadership skills in being a role model to other students, participates in activities to service school and community and represents the school in sport, without necessarily being a champion.
Dux Urangan State High School (Sponsored by Biz Print Consulting and Urangan SHS P&C):
Ryan Wheatley
An ATAR eligible senior student who has achieved the highest confirmed accumulative marks.