Welcome to the December edition of our “newsletter", and final edition for the year. Thank you for taking the time to remain connected with our school, and for your ongoing feedback around how we communicate with our parents and community. Continuing to provide a regular stream of updates on the happenings at Urangan SHS remains an important way for us to maintain a positive relationship with our parents and community, and it has been fantastic to hear from parents about how much they are appreciating this insight into the happenings of our school.
The end of formal schooling is an important, and often emotional, time each year for our graduating cohort. It was fantastic to join with our students and their families as we watched them finish their external exams, walk across the stage at Leavers Ceremony, and strut their stuff on the red carpet at the Graduation Ceremony.

It has been even better to see the stories of success as students embark on their “what comes next", be that starting new jobs, continuing in apprenticeships and traineeships, gearing up for Uni for those who have already secured early entry, or waiting nervously for QTAC offers to be released in the coming weeks. Congratulations to all of our Year 12s, and best wishes for what comes next; and remember always that Urangan will always be your school. Whenever you are asked what school you went to, be proud to say “I went to a state school, I went to Urangan". “I am a better person for going there and it is a better place for having me." Both statements will be true.
Thank you to the many parents who have written cards or expressed their gratitude to our staff for their efforts in supporting these stories of growth – we have an amazing school, great staff and even better students – together, we achieve great things. Thank you to all parents for the role you play in helping us to achieve those things.
A last minute plug, too, for the work of our Link and Launch Coordinator Emma Amor. If you need a little extra support in successfully transitioning to further study, training, or work; Emma remains here to help all through the holidays and into next year. You can also check out the key information for “what happens now" over the next few weeks of ATAR, QCE, and QTAC releases, in the final message from Mr Austin to the Year 12 cohort.

At the other end of their High School journey, it was equally as pleasing to be able to welcome our newest members of the Urangan family at the UTransition day last week. So many happy, smiley Year 6 faces eager to join us at Urangan in 2023, joining with the happy, smiley faces of their Year 7 2023 Form Teachers to experience what life as a Urangan SHS student will look like.
Further information about what to expect on Day 1 2023 will be made available on our website as news items over the break – stay tuned!

As the 2022 school year winds down, our thoughts turn to next year and a brand new, shiny school year to play with. We will have some new structures in 2023, providing additional layers of support for students with all Deputy Principals playing a role in supporting year levels, in addition to a Head of Year for each year level. You can see more about the Year Level Teams for each year level on our Our Staff page.
We also have some significant building works to look forward to in 2023, with the establishment of a Wellbeing Hub in GD Block – pulling our Chaplain, Youth Support Coordinators, School Based Youth Health Nurse, School Based Police Officer, Link and Launch Officer, Social Worker, and Guidance Officers together into one central location to support students – and the long-awaited commencement of our Sports Complex. It's certain to be another big year!
So finally; thank you. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school, and your child's place within it. Thank you for your ongoing support of the community that we are building at Urangan SHS – a dynamic, inclusive, and cohesive community that supports every child to have opportunities for “what comes next". And on a personal note, thank you for welcoming me into the community so warmly.
I look forward to continuing our work together in the new year, and hope that you and yours can enjoy the break with all that the festive season has to offer.
Many thanks
Tony McCormack