Did you know... our CAPIP (Curriculum and Pedagogical Implementation Process) work is being recognised by the Queensland Department of Education as being an initiative worth sharing with other schools across the state? Two EdTV episodes were recently released and shared statewide, showcasing the work of Urangan SHS to improve our teaching and learning, in order to improve student outcomes and results. You can see these videos, explaining our work, in the Quicklinks (--->).
The timetable changes that have enabled UAchieve on a Monday and a Friday do more than provide us with the opportunity to deliver tutorials and pastoral care programs for students. The flexible starts on Mondays and Fridays are enabling teachers to work together, collaboratively focusing on individual student progress and helping to share expertise in how to better support our students.
As a result, our student results continue to improve with students now operating at-or-above regional and state expectations. This work is uniquely Urangan, and further evidence of the great things happening at Urangan High; working together to learn.