The time has come! Our long-awaited Sports Centre build is about to commence, with on-site work starting Monday 7th August. The approx. $15million build is scheduled for completion in mid-2024, and will be an exciting addition to our facilities - boasting two full sized indoor courts, a large stage, kinesiology lab and classroom.
While the outcome will be amazing, there is always some short-term disruption to contend with in builds like this. Please note that parking along our Robert St boundary will be disrupted throughout the build, with new site access routes to be cut through the existing fence along which will see the permanent loss of some car parks in front of these accesses. There will also be some temporary disruptions to more parks, allowing for cranes over the fence at various parts of the build. Our on-site staff carparking will also be disrupted, meaning that there will also be more cars vying for fewer on-street carparks. 
We thank our community, in advance, for your understanding and support throughout this much needed enhancement to our facilities. Please keep up to date on site progress through our website, Facebook, and Instagram, and if there is anything we can do to minimise the disruption to our community throughout the build please do not hesitate to get in touch via